Date Wed, Aug 31, 2022


Because early education is an opportunity for growth, and an initial experience for them in life within an organized environment of teachers and groups of children, forming friendships and social relationships and following systems; we have paid attention to educating children and developing and enhancing their skills on the website .

Why should children be educated at an early age?

It is important to start educating children at an early age by enrolling them in kindergartens or learning centers at their age because education:

  • It enhances social relationships with their peers, teachers and parents .
  • And teaches them some of the skills they need,
  • Encourages them to participate and enhances their curiosity.
  • Teachers contribute to the development of their various social skills, their interaction with others, and their management of their frustrations .
  • Child care centers are concerned with developing the child’s sense of responsibility so that he is able to take care of himself and help others, which gives him a sense of pride and self-confidence .
  • Involving them in providing assistance to others also helps them form their own social bonds .

These are all things a child needs to succeed later in life .

You can also find out

 How to help your preschooler

Kindergarten courses online with :

These are online training courses specialized in teaching children of nursery age and preparing them for the school education stage - the offers online kindergarten courses specialized in establishing children in the Arabic language - the English language and mathematics .

Kindergarten courses with Dot Com School are also characterized by the following:

  • Easy and distinctive explanation for teaching children - Training children to reach the highest level in learning the Arabic language - Learning the English language Numbers and operations in mathematics
  • It helps to establish your child in a correct practical way, away from memorization - using teaching methods
  • It helps develop the child's mental skills in mathematics and greatly facilitates children's Arabic and English languages.
  • Online training courses - via Zoom - individual courses, not groups - flexible timings - morning appointments - evening appointments

Read more about KG1 Kindergarten

How does educating children enhance your child's social impact?

  • The importance of education in society lies in its contribution to the progress and development of society and making it more advanced, civilized and reformed. From unjustified traditions and stereotypes to the progress of society and the achievement of development.
  • It contributes to reducing the rates of smoking and divorce in society, in addition to the fact that education is the way to reach better work with greater benefits, and it is the means that helps spread goodness in societies.
  • Educating children enables them to work better in the future, which enhances economic growth and provides sustainable opportunities, and achieves economic growth now and in the future as well, and is one of the most powerful drivers of economic progress and prosperity.
  • Studies have shown that for every additional year of education, average annual GDP growth increased by 37%. A 1965 report found that the difference in what people in East Asia and the Pacific spend on average is 3.4% per capita income growth, equivalent to 2.7 more years of schooling, compared to those in sub-Saharan Africa, where the annual growth rate is only 0.8%, which explains the difference in education levels.
  • The impact of learning contributes to enriching life sciences and achieving many positive effects that play a major role in building society, including: material and moral. Providing the necessary will to create and achieve goals and solve all difficulties that prevent their achievement.
  • Educating children contributes to increasing the child’s belief in his abilities, and motivating him to face challenges, as he can, through his cognitive tools and skills, transform them into a force that increases his success on the personal, family and societal levels.

Language education programs for children at

Includes : Language learning programs - Online language courses

English language course - French language course - Chinese language course - German language course - Japanese language course - Turkish language course - Korean language course - Arabic language course for non-native speakers .

You can learn more about

Best Ways to Teach Languages ​​to Children | Develop Your Children's Skills

Online language learning courses also help your child to:

  • Improve communication skills with other people of different cultures on a personal level
  • On a professional level in the future, learning and mastering a new language enables you to increase job opportunities and open new paths in the fields of work and study, as some ages sometimes require knowledge of more than one different and varied language. Learning languages ​​improves students’ analytical skills.
  • In addition, learning languages ​​enhances the creation of opportunities to participate in various social activities.
  • Learning languages ​​and mastering their speaking also enhances intelligence, as it becomes easier for people to multitask because they have the ability to switch between speech, writing, and linguistic structures at the same time.

Private lessons for teaching children in the Emirates:

What offers to your children does not stop at courses only, but we also provide them with specialized private lessons for children to help them enhance the following:

- Raising students' efficiency in academic subjects .

- Increased concentration, which in turn increases the speed of understanding due to fewer distractions .

- Ease of monitoring the student’s weaknesses and then treating them by the teacher .

- Availability of time to elaborate on some complex points, which require more than one example .

Private lessons allow information to be repeated more than once to understand it .

- The student does not adhere to a fixed daily attendance time, but rather it is by agreement between him and the teacher .

Because is the first platform for private lessons .

Where the school website is It is the first educational platform in the Arab Gulf countries, especially the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our website offers training courses for male and female students in a scientifically studied manner that has been previously tested, and under the supervision of the best teachers and specialists with experience in various curricula . courses for advanced levels:

- Kindergarten foundation courses, which aim to prepare new children in education and qualify them to enter the primary stage, by establishing them in ( Arabic language - English language - mathematics ).

- Courses to develop and enhance students’ skills in all academic subjects ( mathematics - languages ​​- Arabic - English - French - science - chemistry - physics - biology ) , at different educational levels such as ( elementary - middle - secondary ).

- Courses for teaching basic academic subjects ( mathematics - Arabic - English - French - science - chemistry - physics - biology ) , at different educational levels such as ( elementary - middle - secondary ).

- Courses to pass the EmSAT test in the following subjects : ( Arabic language - English language - Mathematics - Science - Physics - Chemistry - Biology - Computer Science ) , for grades ( first - fourth - sixth - eighth - tenth - twelfth ).

- Language courses ( English - French - Chinese - German - Japanese - Turkish - Korean - Arabic for non-native speakers ).

- IELTS and TOEFL test courses .

- American curriculum courses, in which the subjects ( English language - Arabic language - French language - Mathematics - Science - Biology - Physics - Chemistry ) are explained according to the American curriculum .

- British curriculum courses, in which the subjects ( English language - French language - Arabic language - Science - Chemistry - Biology - Physics - Mathematics ) are explained according to the British curriculum .

In this article, we talked about educating children and the impact on your children when you start educating them early . Join now to, your permanent partner in educating and developing your children .

You can see more of the contributions of in private lessons through this article.

How did courses solve all students' problems?

Also to help your child face learning difficulties you can read:

Dysgraphia in children and treatment tips

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